Polar bear attacks woman at Berlin zoo

Posted On Monday, April 13, 2009 by Bonbon |

A polar bear attacked a woman at the Berlin Zoo after she climbed a fence and jumped into its habitat, police said Saturday.

The woman apparently decided to hop the fence and plunge into the moat to experience the polar bears up close and personal, where she was immediately attacked by the animals. One adult polar bit her several times after she plunged into the moat, police said.

Zoo keepers managed to push the polar bears away and tossed rescue rings toward the woman to hoist her out and distract polar bears. The unnamed 32 year old woman was rushed to a hospital, where she is now recovering from severe injury from multiple bite wounds.
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1 Response to 'Polar bear attacks woman at Berlin zoo'
  1. Anonymous
    http://worldentertainmentonline.blogspot.com/2009/04/polar-bear-attacks-woman-at-berlin-zoo_13.html?showComment=1239703200000#c8421429967809050114'> 14 April 2009 at 07:00

    Something happened like this in Singapore Zoo also but the man there died